Question: 1 / 50

Why is it necessary to use a conditioner-filler during a chemical relaxer retouch service?

To even out the porosity

Conditioner-filler is necessary during a chemical relaxer retouch service because it helps to even out the porosity of the hair. This is crucial because during the chemical relaxer process, the hair's porosity can become uneven due to the use of chemicals and the application process. By using a conditioner-filler, the hair becomes more resilient, and the chemicals can penetrate the hair evenly, resulting in a more consistent and effective relaxer treatment. Option B is incorrect because a relaxer retouch service is not meant to lighten the hair, but to straighten it. Option C is incorrect because the purpose of a relaxer is to straighten the hair, and using a conditioner-filler will not alter the straightening results. Option D is also incorrect because using a conditioner-filler does not make the service quicker; it is an essential step in ensuring the best results for the client's hair.

To lighten the hair

To straighten the hair further

To make the service quicker


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